Privacy Policy
VASINIKO’ COVENT LTD is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data is used. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to our processing please contact us at the address below.

Information collected
We collect personal information from you through the use of enquiry forms and every time you e-mail us your details. We also collect information automatically about your visit to our site. The information obtained in this way, which includes demographic data and browsing patterns, is only used in aggregate form.

Use of personal information
We process personal information collected via VASINIKO’ COVENT LTD for the purposes of:
  • providing and personalising our services;
  • dealing with your enquiries and requests;
  • administering orders and accounts relating to our suppliers or customers;
  • maintaining information as a reference tool or general resource;
  • carrying out market research campaigns;
  • sending occasional emails to update you on our products and services, or to thank you for your visit to our store.
  • providing you with information about products and services we offer.
We may also use and disclose information in aggregate (so that no individuals are identified) for marketing and strategic development purposes.

Your consent
By submitting your personal information you consent to the use of that information as set out in this policy.

Contacting us
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information please write to us at the following address:
  • Email:
  • Phone: +44 20 7836 8628
  • Address: VASINIKO’ COVENT LTD, 7-9 Burleigh St, London WC2E 7PW, United Kingdom